I’m now a Security Awareness Advocate

Happy to announce that I’ve started a position as Security Awareness Advocate with the world leader in Security Awareness Training, KnowBe4. I’m based in Berlin, Germany. My main area of attention will be the DACH region, but you can expect to see me around EMEA and else where.

While the industry names itself “Security Awareness Training (SAT)”, the work needed would perhaps be better described as empowering humans to make smart security decisions. Every change starts with awareness, but then training and practice are need to establish new behaviours. These behaviours again can only flourish in a supportive environment. Hence, cultural aspects are key to foster change.

These issues are then not entirely new to me. They overlap with large parts of my own research, and I’m really keen to apply myself to the field of security awareness, behaviour, and culture. My mission is to empower humans, just as it was before.

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